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Posh: I eat but can’t act!

The usually intensely private Victoria Beckham has spoken out against rumours that she will star as an alien in a new Tom Cruise movie.


The artist formerly known as Posh Spice says, “It’s quite hilarious for two reasons. Firstly, you’ll never see me on screen again because I can’t bloody act to save my life. And, secondly, although I get offered quite a few parts, I’d never do it as I wouldn’t want to wear anything the wardrobe department would put me in. The only roles I could play would be myself or maybe Catwoman because I quite like that catsuit!”

The ‘Spiceworld: The oovie’ star has also spoken about her famously frail figure. She credits control, not an eating disorder, for her slender frame.

“I eat really healthy. I love Japanese food, lots of fish, any sort of vegetable, lots of fruit – that kind of thing. I don’t really care all that much [about rumours I have an eating disorder]. We live in Spain so I don’t see a lot of the press. I go out and eat what I like, but I do try to be quite disciplined.”


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