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Pink: Prince William is a redneck!

Pop star cum animal-rights activist Pink has taken a stab at Prince William for his passion for foxhunting. “I wrote to him to protest about foxhunting,” tells the singer, “and I figured he would be this stuffy, privileged asshole, but he’s like a redneck from the south. If you’re brought up shooting and hunting animals – if you really think it’s second nature and you’re blasting away – then it’s hard to see the other point of view. You need educating.”


This is the second time Pink has reproached a royal. She has previously written to the Queen to protest about her guards’ bearskin hats. She says, “To be truthful, I was really surprised I didn’t get a reply to that one. I wasn’t just writing in and complaining – and it certainly was not a publicity stunt. I actually proposed a plan. Stella McCartney had designed these replacement hats for the guards using fake fur. I felt we were solving the problem for her and offering a viable solution. But she never wrote back. Maybe she doesn’t have any of my stuff on her iPod.”

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