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A double date that turned into a raucous booze-up between Hollywood’s finest has left tongues a-wagging. Undercover couple Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem went for what was supposed to be a quiet drink with Sean Penn and a mystery brunette at the Four Seasons Hotel, but they didn’t stay inconspicuous for long.


The stars turned heads as oscar-winners Javier and Sean started laughing loudly at each other’s jokes. At one point, fellow Academy Award-owner Penelope even had to gently calm her date down by holding his arms back from waving around. Guests at the hotel said that all but one of the foursome were having a blast.

A source tells, “Everyone seemed to be having a good time except Sean’s date who appeared slightly subdued.” Despite the obvious romance between cute couple Pené and Javier, the sexy Spanish actress refuses to confirm the relationship, telling David Letterman “I don’t feel comfortable talking about my private life in public.”

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