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Paula’s diva behaviour

Paula Abdul is a sweetie on `American Idol’ but those who shared a flight with her on Southwest Airlines from San Jose to Burbank, California beg to differ. An eye-witness reveals “She pulled a major diva trip, the other passengers were not amused.” The 80s pop star is said to have demanded first-class treatment even though there’s no first-class section on the airline. “She asked to be let on the plane and seated first,” reveals the passenger, and when told that people with disabilities and the elderly were allowed to board early she apparently retaliated, “But I’m famous! I need to go on first!” once boarding began, Paula pushed her way in front of the rest of the and tried to keep the seat next to her empty, telling others it was taken. Finally, a flight attendant told her she had to give up the seat because the flight was full. [20 April 2007]


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