Tension on TV show American Idol' has reached breaking point between judge Paula Abdul and host Ryan Seacrest. Ryan - who admitted that he is not speaking to his co-star at present - has described the situation as "very awkward". The icy feud seems to have brewed when they each made a separate appearance on
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ recently. Jay commented to Ryan that Paula had seemed “a little loopy” on a recent episode of Idol' to which he replied, "Well, have you listened to her album?" When Jay jokingly asked whether Paula had been drinking, Ryan answered, "Hey look, I don't look in their cups to see what's sitting before them on that table. But at times I feel like we have reeled her in." A month later Paula appeared on the show and claimed that Ryan was ticked off that he was excluded from an
American Idol’ photo shoot for a recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine. Then when Jay asked whether Ryan was dating Teri Hatcher since the pair had been photographed kissing, Paula retorted, “He only kisses the mirror.” She added, “Honestly, do you think Teri Hatcher is that desperate a housewife?” [26 April 2006]