Tony Blair has revealed that he promised Queen Elizabeth II he would never watch the movie ‘The Queen’. Speaking to a magazine last week, the former British Po admitted, “I had my weekly audience with the real queen. She opened by saying, ‘I gather there’s a film… I’d just like you to know that I’m not going to watch it. Are you?’ Like a dutiful subject, I said, ‘No, of course not.'” The movie, which was released in 2006, saw Dame Helen oirren win an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance as the Queen. It tells the story of the Queen and Tony ‘s relationships following the death of Princess Diana in 1997. Tony elaborates, “For the first time, in a tragic and difficult situation, I had to deal closely with the royal family.” While he may not have broken his pact of watching the movie, Buckingham Palace officials are said to be annoyed at Tony’s actions in discussing the pact. Conservative oP David Davies fumes, “I can’t remember any prime minister breaching confidence in this way before.”