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Olivia Newton-John sees UFO

olivia Newton-John claims she saw a UFo when she was a teenager. The 60-year-old ‘Xanadu’ actress has described how she saw a silver object flying through the sky when she was 15. She recalls, “I have seen one when I was very young. It was unidentified and it was flying.”


The actress elaborated that at the time she saw the UFo, most people did not believe in extraterrestrial life. “In England, most people now think UFos are possible.Twenty years ago, how many people would have thought that?”

Interestingly, olivia’s ‘Grease’ co-star John Travolta has since become a Scientologist and believes that aliens populated the Earth millions of years ago. Perhaps olivia and John had much bigger things to talk about on set than simple high-school romances!

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