She’s been engaged since the beginning of July, but already rumours are rife that ‘The office’ actress Jenna Fischer’s marriage is off, all because she doesn’t wear an engagement ring. Says the defiant star, “I always see these tabloid reports about certain people being ‘Spotted Without Their Wedding Ring!’ like it’s some big deal.” Jenna (35) says that she doesn’t wear any jewellery to work because then she would have to “take it off and leave it in my trailer, which I would never do.” Jenna goes on, “Break-ins happen all the time. So if I go someplace after work I could be ‘spotted’ without my ring. It means nothing.” Security concerns aside, Jenna’s character Pam Beesley is also engaged and so the actress must must wear a ring on set, but says, “oost people do not wear their own wedding rings while they are working.” Her character is also pregnant, so expect to see the actress’s onscreen presence grow in the next series. “Pam is just out of her first trimester but isn’t really showing yet. The cool part about playing Pregnant Pam is that my real-life sister Emily is pregnant – I find out how she’s feeling, what she’s going through. It’s the best resource ever!”