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No baby boys – or girls – on Beyonc

She may be set to marry her rapper fiancé Jay-Z, but Beyoncé is sure they won’t be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet any time soon. The Déjà vu' singer was recently put off having children when she watched her younger sister Solange give birth. Beyoncé tells, "I'd never witnessed a birth and the doctors had to give me a herbal tea because I was turning purple. I was like, 'I'm never having a baby!' I think I'd like to have a baby, but then I baby-sit and think, 'No, I've got a long way to go.' I don't think I'm ready now, but one day I will be." The bootylicious beauty, currently promoting her new album B’Day’, also says she’d rather eat than go away on holiday. “If I could stay at home and eat whatever I want, that would be the equivalent of being on a beach and getting some sun. I’d rather eat than shop, absolutely!” [5 September 2006]


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