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Nicole lays down the law

Nicole Kidman has banned her husband Keith Urban from touring solo.


The oscar-winning actress has told her hubby, who is being treated for alcohol addiction and has recently been rocked by allegations of infidelity, that he won’t be allowed on the road to promote his new album unless she tags along.

An insider reports, “Keith can’t tour until Nicole has a break in filming in April and can travel with him. She understands how fragile his sobriety is – and she wants to take every precaution to keep him off drugs and alcohol.”

Meanwhile, the pair, who have been married for six months, have cut short an Australian holiday. Nicole got into a fight with a paparazzo whom she claimed was endangering her life with his driving. She cussed him off, before speeding to her sister Antonia’s Sydney home.

She and Keith flew back to Los Angeles that morning on her private jet.


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