Nick Lachey has used one of his concerts to hit out at his ex-wife, Jessica Simpson. The one-time US Idol, whose recent album was inspired by his feelings about the Dukes of Hazzard' star, made jibes as he performed his hits at a gig this week. After singing
I Can’t Hate You Anymore’, his aside to the audience was, “Well, maybe just a little.” Later, once he’d crooned ‘Do It For You’, he joked, “I did it for her, too, but she didn’t give a damn.” The 32-year-old, who admits his `Newlyweds’ reality TV show with Jessica contributed to their split, says he’s keeping his new relationship with Vanessa oinnillo to himself. He says, “I’m not making that mistake again. There’s a real danger, in allowing your personal life to become so public, that people feel a sense of entitlement to it.” [17 october 2006]