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Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones to renew vows

He may be battling advanced throat cancer, undergoing both chemo and radiotherapy, but Michael Douglas hasn’t let his illness get in the way of romance. Rumour has it, the ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ star has put plans in place to renew his vows with Catherine Zeta-Jones on their 10th wedding anniversary on 18 November.


A source close to the superstar couple claims, “She’s been a rock for him. Even when she can’t be with him physically, she’ll call to try to lift his spirits and make sure he’s eating. They feel that renewing their vows is a perfect idea. They’re greatful to have each other.”

Meanwhile, Michael’s ‘Wall Street 2’ colleague Shia LaBeouf has spoken out to say the veteran actor doesn’t need pity from anyone. The young ‘Transformers’ star insists, “Michael is the epitome of strength. I mean, he’s stoic and I don’t think he would want any kind of sympathy call or check-up at all. In fact, I think he’s the exact opposite

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