Cameron Douglas, the troubled eldest child of acting legend Michael Douglas, has pleaded guilty to drug possession and distribution charges. Cameron (31) confessed in court, “I began supplying on a regular basis.”
oscar-winner Michael describes Cameron’s arrest as a wake-up call. “Cameron has a lot of his life ahead,” says the actor. “He now recognises his own demons and struggles… He’s a tough kid. Still, he’s in a federal prison and you’ve got some big, bad boys down there.”
Michael – who will soon reprise his role as corporate raider Gordon Gekko in ‘Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps’ – also acknowledged he hasn’t been the ideal father, saying, “Alcohol was an issue in my life at one point… I’ll assume whatever responsibilities I have to, but would it have been better to have been around more? Absolutely. There were absences and I was no angel.”
Michael adds that now he’s older and less career-oriented, he is able to give greater attention to his children by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Carys (6) and Dylan Michael (9) than he gave to Cameron. “I see the confidence my kids have got versus the struggle for confidence that I had or that Cameron might have dealt with.”