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Michael Douglas

Cameron Douglas, the troubled eldest child of acting legend Michael Douglas, has pleaded guilty to drug possession and distribution charges. Cameron (31) confessed in court, “I began supplying on a regular basis.”


oscar-winner Michael describes Cameron’s arrest as a wake-up call. “Cameron has a lot of his life ahead,” says the actor. “He now recognises his own demons and struggles… He’s a tough kid. Still, he’s in a federal prison and you’ve got some big, bad boys down there.”

Michael – who will soon reprise his role as corporate raider Gordon Gekko in ‘Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps’ – also acknowledged he hasn’t been the ideal father, saying, “Alcohol was an issue in my life at one point… I’ll assume whatever responsibilities I have to, but would it have been better to have been around more? Absolutely. There were absences and I was no angel.”

Michael adds that now he’s older and less career-oriented, he is able to give greater attention to his children by Catherine Zeta-Jones, Carys (6) and Dylan Michael (9) than he gave to Cameron. “I see the confidence my kids have got versus the struggle for confidence that I had or that Cameron might have dealt with.”


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