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Megan Fox: She-Hulk or Bond babe?

Adding fuel to the fire that she is trying to be the new Angelina Jolie, ‘Transformers’ star Megan Fox is continuing to focus on action roles, having been linked to the lead role in the film ‘She-Hulk’. The up-and-coming actress is in talks to portray the giant green female, with a source saying, “The idea is to make She-Hulk sexier but even more savage than the Hulk, which is why Megan is the big favourite for the lead. She’ll be green, of course, and will have to hang on to a few more pieces of clothing than the male version when she transforms!”


Meanwhile, rumours are also circulating that sexy Megan was offered a part as a Bond girl in the next James Bond film. However, she’s said to have turned her nose up at the offer because she didn’t believe it would further her career. A source reveals, “Megan might be interested in a villainous role if it was a central part of the movie but she is not interested in being just your usual type of Bond girl.” However, Megans’s own rep says, “The report about Megan turning down a Bond movie is completely not true. There have been no discussions, nor any offers. Megan is a fan of the Bond movies.”

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