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Matt Damon really loves lobster

In a show of movie-star muscle, Matt Damon ordered lobster at a New York restaurant – even though it wasn’t on the menu!


The ‘Green Side’ actor was disappointed that the expensive seafood wasn’t on offer when he went out for dinner recently in the Big Apple with his wife Luciana Bozan Barroso and friends. Non-fazed, Matt decided to order it anyway!

An onlooker says, “Matt ordered nine chilled lobsters, which aren’t even on the menu. But the restaurant made sure to make it happen.”

Matt did have to wait slightly longer for his meal but he was rapt when the pricey crustaceans were eventually served and showed his appreciation by leaving a hefty tip. The onlooker continues, “Not only was he extremely polite, he left a $400 tip on top of the added gratuity.”


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