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Maggie Gyllenhaal puts motherhood first

She may have snared an Academy Award nomination for her role in ‘Crazy Heart’, but Maggie Gyllenaal confesses that acting has had to take a back seat since she gave birth to her daughter Ramona in 2006.


The sister of heart-throb actor Jake says, “I had about five movies that came out while I was pregnant and, although I was nauseous at the beginning, I was able to promote them. Then Ramona was born and I couldn’t even pick up the phone to do an interview – I couldn’t take my eyes off her.”

Maggie’s husband, Peter Sarsgaard, is also an actor and although she tries to keep things as “calm and laid-back as possible” for Ramona, Maggie admits she worries about how their unconventional lifestyle affects their daughter. But she says, “If Martin Scorsese calls and tells me I need to be in Nova Scotia for six months, then I probably need to do that.”

Maggie confesses she is still working on striking the right balance of motherhood, family and career. “I’m thinking about it all the time. I love my work – I love finding a brilliant project and getting lost in it, then getting dressed up for awards ceremonies and the like – but I also love my daughter and family. And the amount of work it takes to be a mum is greater than anything else. It brings you to your knees. I can’t do all of it perfectly by any means.”


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