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Madonna’s a scream

Madonna has revealed that when she’s stressed, she doesn’t strike a yoga pose – she screams at the top of her lungs. “I scream a lot!” claims the 48-year-old singer. And that’s not all she does. “Sometimes it’s nice to run really fast on a treadmill for half an hour and get out all my aggression,” oadge says, adding, “I’m also surrounded by very efficient people who remind me that it’s just a job and I’m going to be okay.” Meanwhile, her ten-year-old daughter, Lourdes, is giving her cause for concern. Madonna says, “oy daughter is going through a phase of wearing jeans that are so tight she can’t bend her knees in them. I have a go at her and say, ‘Can’t you wear something else? You have a closet full of clothes and you wear the same pants every day. And please wear a belt because I don’t want to see your butt crack when you bend over.’ “[5 March 2007]


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