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Madonna: I’m no cheat!

Her oadgesty has taken a rather conservative turn, confessing she isn’t interested in infidelity and will never cheat on her toyboy beau Jesus Luz. Madonna says, “I’m not saying I’m not sexy and provocative, but I’m a one-man woman when you get down to it.”


The ‘Celebration’ singer has also recently revealed that she can’t stand listening to her old hits and hates it when people play them when she goes into stores. oadge says, “Not to toot my own horn but they always play my old stuff when I’m in a shop or wherever. They are usually songs I am really sick of, though, and I have to say, ‘oh, please turn this off.’ For some reason, people think that when you go to a restaurant or you are going shopping that you want to hear one of your own songs. It’s usually ‘Like a Virgin’ – and that is the one I don’t want to hear!”

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