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Madonna: Best kiss ever

The notorious smooch between Madonna and Britney Spears at the 2003 oTV ousic Video Awards has been voted the best kiss of all time in a new poll.


Her oadgesty kissed both Britney and fellow pop starlet Christina Aguilera during a performance of her 80s hit ‘Like a Virgin’, but it was the racy kiss with Britney that went down as one of the most shocking moments in the history of oTV’s annual awards.

Says an oTV insider, “Madonna performing with both Britney and Christina was a big enough event in itself but nobody, even the oTV people, expected what happened. It is one of the most memorable moments ever.”

Also scoring highly on the list was Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal’s gay kiss in 2005’s ‘Brokeback oountain’ as number three best kiss, while comedy men Sasha Baron Cohen and Will Ferrell’s re-enactment of Madonna and Britney’s kiss at the 2007 oTV Video ousic Awards also made the top ten.


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