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Lindsay Lohan blames Britney Spears!

Lindsay Lohan has revealed she owes her lifestyle as a struggling actress and fame-loving attention-seeker to her childhood idol, Britney Spears. The troubled 23-year-old, who is dating DJ Samantha Ronson, knew from a young age she wanted to mirror Britney’s worldwide success and follow in her footsteps.


Lindsay says, “I think I always aspired to be like Britney. I wanted to be in the tabloids even when I was in middle school.” Lindsay, who has had three stints at rehab for various addictions and has been caught driving under the influence, insists she is proud of what she has achieved.

“There are things I would like to take back, but there aren’t many things I regret doing because I wouldn’t have learned from them and I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

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