She’s due to give birth in early 2011 with her builder boyfriend Sam Cooper and Lily Allen is starting to feel the pressure of becoming a new mum. one thing the singer regrets is spending so much money.
Since Lily (25) shot to fame in 2006 with her debut single ‘Smile’, she has gone on to become one Britain’s biggest pop stars. over the course of her two albums and non-stop touring, Lily estimates she’s made over $10 million but says she’s frittered away a lot of it on luxury items.
While she won’t admit exactly how much, Lily does say “I wish I had been more concerned about money over the past years. I’ve wasted a lot on clothes and just stupid things. Sam says don’t beat yourself up about it, but I wish I hadn’t been quite so frivolous.”
She continues, “I really hope I’m never in a position where I’d have to sell pictures of my wedding but if times get hard