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Lady Gaga’s drug habit

Lady Gaga has revealed she became addicted to cannabis.

Lady Gaga has revealed she became addicted to cannabis following the hip injury that forced her to cancel her world tour last February.

“It was a habit that eventually occurred when the pain got so bad with the hip,” Gaga told Reuters.

“I was just numbing, numbing, numbing myself then sleeping it off, then getting on stage, killing it in pain, then getting off and smoking, smoking, smoking, not knowing what the pain was,” she said.

She decided to quit the drug on the insistence of her friend, performance artist Marina Abramović, but giving up her 15 joint a day habit was difficult.

“I would break the habit and it would sneak back in and I would break it.”

“Now I smoke a little bit at night just, you know, for fun. But not to cope – that’s the difference. I’m the soberest I’ve ever been in the past five years.”

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