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Kylie Minogue: I don

Kylie Minogue has been around a lot longer than most pop stars these days, but says she doesn’t find comparisons to newcomer Lady Gaga insulting. In fact, Kylie says she finds it flattering that she has been able to influence the quirky Alejandro singer.


“It’s all part of a chain,” says Kylie. “In as much as dance music has gone mainstream, I’d love to think that I’ve played a part in that.”

Meanwhile, the ‘All The Lovers’ singer has also revealed it was her fans that inspired her to record her new album ‘Aphrodite’, which will be released in July. “I think that the inspiration for getting back in and starting this whole roller-coaster again was after the shows I did in North America.”

She adds, “They were so from the heart and I felt so rewarded with the feeling and response from doing it. That just gave me that reminder of how amazing it can be. That helped get me back on.”

Kylie has also hinted that ‘Aphrodite’, her first studio album in three years, would make a good farewell album, although she hasn’t confirmed whether or not it will be her last.


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