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Kim Cattrall: An insecure cougar?

She may be best known as the sexually forward Samantha from ‘Sex and the City’, but actress Kim Cattrall claims she’s the complete opposite in real life.


The 53-year-old sexpot, who split from her partner of five years last July, says, “I could not go into a bar and pick up a man – that is so foreign to me, it’s not even in my hemisphere. I am totally insecure. That is predatory behaviour and I don’t consider myself a predator. In fact, I feel sometimes that I am the pursued.”

Kim confesses that she’s had trouble getting used to her single status. She explains, “Am I enjoying my freedom? I’m not sure if I’m there yet. I’ve been so busy since we split that I haven’t had much time to adjust. I’m starting to date; it feels alright.”

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