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Khloé Kardashian: Kim is misunderstood

kim kardashian, khloe kardashian, kardashian sisters, kim is misunderstood
kim kardashian, khloe kardashian, kardashian sisters, kim is misunderstood

Kim Kardashian is never “rude or catty” she is just “nervous”, says her sister Khloé.

Reality TV star Khloé insists her famous sibling is misunderstood by the general public. She has likened her to a music artist who comes alive on stage but is timid in everyday life.

“Kim is getting so comfortable in her skin. I don’t think people know she is incredibly shy… she is shy around people and sometimes it comes off as being rude or a little catty but she’s just nervous,” Khloé explained.

Kim split from her husband Kris Humphries after a 72-day marriage last year and they are now getting divorced.


She has moved on and is dating hip-hop star Kanye West, with Khloé saying she is much happier these days.

Khloé also discussed another of her sisters Kourtney, who is expected her second child with her partner Scott Disick.

Khloé and Scott haven’t always got on but are now firm friends – with Kourtney also close to Khloé’s husband Lamar Odom.

“Kourtney has a crush on Lamar,” Khloé joked.


The star and her basketball player spouse have decided to put their reality TV show Khloé and Lamar on hiatus, although she is keen to point out it isn’t cancelled.

“Lamar and I have been go, go, go and working so much we wanted the summer for ourselves,” she told Australia’s Kyle and Jackie O Show. “We wanted to go on vacation, Lamar and I haven’t even had a honeymoon yet. I said I wanted to take a break and also Lamar is training for the Olympics. I never cancelled anything and I just said I want the summer to ourselves.”

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