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Jessica Simpson curses Tony Romo

She appears to be dealing with her break-up well, hitting the gym and spending time with her family, but Jessica Simpson is apparently so distraught over being dumped by Dallas cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, that she has apparently hired a witch to place a curse on the football star.


Says a close friend, “Jessica is normally a really sweet girl, but she still can’t believe Tony callously dumped her right before her 29th birthday last month. Now she’s sworn revenge on him.” A second friend explains, “Jessica found a woman in California.

The two met at the star’s Beverly Hills home where they lit a candle, burned some incense and performed a couple of incantations.” Apparently the spell will ensure that Tony will face a disastrous year both personally and professionally and with the Cowboys’ first game scheduled for 13 September, Jess will no doubt be eagerly waiting to see whether her curse works.

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