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Jennifer Lopez: My butt still hurts!

The embarrassment may have faded, but the pain hasn’t! Jennifer Lopez says her famous backside still hurts after she fell over during a dance routine at the recent American ousic Awards. Speaking to Ellen DeGeneres, J-Lo confessed, “I have a bruised bone.”


She went on to explain how the accident happened, telling Ellen, “one of the dancers’ backs was slippery from sweat and lights and everything. We never bargained for that because they always had t-shirts on in rehearsal. So they were bare-backed, didn’t have shirts on for the performance and when I stepped on their backs, my feet got wet. So when I landed, they just slipped from under me.”

But J-Lo credits her adrenaline during the performing for helping her to carry on. “It happened so fast,” she says. “I was up and all I could think was, ‘I have to get the next beat. I have to do this dance solo right now.’ I had no time to think about it.”

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