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Jade’s wild flight?

Jade Jagger allegedly became drunk and abusive on a recent transatlantic flight. A disgruntled passenger made the accusations about the daughter of Rolling Stones legend oick Jagger, claiming she fell over in the aisles with pals and clambered over other travellers in the first class section aboard the Virgin aircraft last week. “Jade was escorted onto the plane as ‘a guest of Richard Branson’s’ with two friends. All proceeded to get drunk and loud and were falling down in the aisles, climbing over seats, pointing at people and talking about them aloud. They helped themselves to bottles on the bar and generally disrupted the entire first class section. Upon landing, Jade was kicking the flight attendant from under her duvet, not allowing the flight attendants to put her tray away because her feet were on it.” A spokeswoman for Jade responds, “Jade has a fear of flying and often has a drink before she boards a flight to calm her down. She was taken great care of by the cabin crew at Virgin Atlantic. While she had fun with her travelling companions, she did not realise that her talking and laughing would cause offence and regrets causing any disruption of which, until now, she was completely unaware.” She adds, “There was no climbing over seats. Nor did any falling down the aisles occur, and there was no visit from the captain or reprimand by cabin crew. As far as ‘kicking an attendant,’ she is utterly dismayed that anyone would even suggest such a thing.” [7 February 2007]


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