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Ivana Trump ends fourth marriage

They married in April 2008, split that october 2008 and reunited just before there first wedding anniversary, but now they’re officially over! Ivana Trump has announced she’s divorced toyboy husband Rossano Rubicondi (37), calling it quits on her fourth marriage.


Formerly wed to ‘The Apprentice’ tycoon Donald Trump, Ivana (60) puts the break-up down to their differing aspirations. She says, “Rossano wants to live in oiami and work in Milan. But I am a New Yorker, and my family, friends and businesses are here. As the beautiful song says, ‘Que sera sera!'” Ivana filed for divorce three months ago but kept the news quiet so not to ruin Rossano’s chances as a contestant in the Italian version of ‘Survivor’.

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