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Hugh Grant loves

Rumours were flying earlier this year that Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker were a scandalous new couple, but the hunky British actor has revealed that he developed a bond with Sarah over ‘Sex and the City’! Hugh became a fan when he worked with Sarah on the film ‘Did You Hear About the Morgans?’ earlier this year.


Says Hugh, “I would watch ‘Sex and the City’ every night and then call Sarah and say, ‘I loved that episode.’ I’m very proud of liking her because I don’t like just anyone.” In the upcoming comedy, Hugh and Sarah play a husband and wife who are successful businesspeople but an unsuccessful married couple.

Sarah has revealed the strange way in which they would pass time between takes – by using toy guns to play a game called Assassin. Says the woman more popularly known as Carrie Bradshaw, “You were given a Polaroid of the person you’re meant to kill and when you kill them, you get the Polaroid of their intended victim. The first day at lunch, Hugh killed three people within the first 10 minutes.”

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