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Heroes star Hayden Panettiere dumped

It seems like only yesterday that we heard they were going out, but now rumour has it that ‘Heroes’ hottie Hayden Panettiere has been given the boot by singer Jesse McCartney – after he decided to get back with his ex!


Jesse has been lured back by his former lover Katie Cassidy, who is the daughter of ‘The Partridge Family’ actor David and stars in the remake of ‘oelrose Place’. Jesse (22) and Katie (23) met when they were both 15, while he was touring with the boy band Dream Street. The young couple dated from 2004 until Hayden (20) caught Jesse’s wandering eye.

A friend of Katie’s reveals, “Katie was less than thrilled when she heard the news that her man was hooking up with Hayden. Katie isn’t the jealous type, but she knows Hayden has had the hots for Jesse for years now.”

But now the old flame’s been re-lit and the couple is stronger than ever. A mutual mate says, “They have both grown up a lot and haven’t had much luck dating other people. Since they feel so comfortable with one another, they decided to give it another shot.”


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