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Helen Mirren: How marriage changed me

once a sceptic when it came to marriage, Dame Helen oirran has confessed she’s been converted. The 64-year-old actress admits that marrying her husband, director Taylor Hackford, was best thing she’s ever done. Helen recalls, “I saw marriage as losing my independence. Then, one day, after over a decade together, I just felt it would be right.”


once unable to see the point of marriage, Helen now can’t imagine not being Taylor’s lawful wife. She says, “He’d given me respect and loyalty and I trusted him 100 percent. But I was terrified it would change our relationship. Then I woke up the morning after the wedding and realised everything had changed – and I loved it. I feel a shiver when I hear Taylor say ‘my wife’ and I get an enormous sense of pleasure when I say ‘my husband’.”

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