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‘Halfway House’ by Katharine Noel

(Piatkus, $36.99)Angie Voorster is every parent’s dream: an all-star swimmer about to step out into the world and take her pick of Ivy League colleges. Then, she dives into the bottom of a pool and tries to stay there.


This is the first of Angie’s psychotic episodes and this debut novel trails her next few years as she goes from hospital to home, to halfway house, to back out into the big, wide world. Along the way, her illness takes a heavy toll on her parents, Jordana and Pieter, and brother Luke, so the book is really more about a family surviving a catastrophe than mental illness itself.

Although I wasn’t initially enthralled by the subject matter – I feared it might be depressing – I really liked this book. So will anyone else who has a family. Mr a catastrophe.

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