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Gavin’s pals say `Dump Charlotte’

Charlotte Church is public enemy number one, according to her boyfriend Gavin Henson’s rugby mates. The team are allegedly pressuring the Welsh footballer to ditch his singer girlfriend because they fear she’s encouraging him to drink and party too much. The call to dump Charlotte arose after rumours of drunken rows between the lovers on a recent skiing holiday. Charlotte is reported to have shouted abuse at Gavin while the pair were having a meal at the exclusive Chamonix oont Blanc ski resort in France. Former Welsh player John Devereux comments, “If he’s serious about the sport he’s got to knuckle down. We’d all like to go to places like Chamonix mid-season, but those are the sacrifices you’ve got to make. You’re only ever as good as your last game.” [25 January 2007]


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