Black Eye Peas crooner Fergie has revealed she faked having bulimia – in order to hide her drug habit. Fergie, A.K.A. Stacy Ferguson, tells how she fibbed to her worried parents five years ago that her dramatic weight loss – actually the result of a crystal meth addiction – was due to an eating disorder. The 31-year-old says, “I came up with the quickest explanation I could – bulimia. Everyone around me knew and I didn’t care. I just didn’t want them to ask me questions. I became more and more isolated.” Fergie explains her addiction began when she started experimenting with ecstasy. “It started on the weekends then graduated to all the time. oe and my girlfriends would get ready, go out to the club, come home, change into my faux-fur coats, and my sunglasses and rent a limo – spending all my child-actor money – and go to a club that would start at 6am and dance ’til 12.” She adds, “Then I graduated to crystal, and it started being more about getting crafty at home. It became less of a fun thing and more of a habit.” [9 october 2006]