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Farrah Fawcett

The late Farrah Fawcett’s son Redmond o’Neal has been arrested yet again, this time on drug charges after he failed to remain sober during a 24-hour break from his rehabilitation centre.


Redmond was released for one day so he could spend Christmas with his family, but the treatment centre reported the 24-year-old for odd behaviour upon his return. The troubled redhead was arrested and handed a felony drug charge while in police custody.

Appearing in court on 6 January, the judge ordered Redmond to spend at least 30 days in a detention centre to prevent further relapse. He’ll be back in court on 2 February, when he will face up to six years in prison for violating probation.

The judge told Redmond, “You are going to stay somewhere at some point. Recovery isn’t a walk in the park. You have a responsibility to yourself to stay sober – not your family.”

Redmond is the only son of ‘Charlie’s Angels’ actress and 1970s icon Farrah Fawcett, who died tragically of cancer in June 2009.


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