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Eva Longoria:

Glamorous ‘Desperate Housewives’ star Eva Longoria Parker has revealed she landed her part as Gabrielle Solis on the show by using her “selfish streak”.


The actress says at the audition for the popular series nine years ago, she was asked by creator Marc Cherry for her thoughts on the script. “So I said, ‘You know, I didn’t read the script, I just read my parts and I think she’s fantastic’,” explains Eva. “Marc said he knew I was Gaby at that moment because that was the most selfish thing to say. That I only read my part.”

Despite her success since taking the role, Eva also confessed her mother was devastated at her decision to leave daytime soap ‘The Young and the Restless’. “You would have thought I was working with Al Pacino. She thought it was the best thing ever.”

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