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Emma Thompson

British actress Emma Thompson has been outed as the daughter of a witch! Her mother, Phyllida Law, has revealed that two years after a couple of gargoyle statues were stolen from outside her London home, they’ve been returned – because she put a curse on the thief.


Phyllida, who starred with her daughter in both ‘Peter’s Friends’ (1992) and ‘Nanny ocPhee’ (2003), said the thief returned the statues with a note saying, “Help me please. I have been very, very ill since I stole these. Please lift the curse.”

The 77-year-old was inspired to put a curse on the thief after seeing her daughter Emma playing the role of Professor Sybil Trelawney in the Harry Potter films.

Phyllida says, “It was jokey but the thief’s guilt was too great.” of the statues’ return, she tells, “A very good black rucksack was put outside my door. It stayed there for 48 hours until I thought, ‘It’s so heavy. What can be in it? Probably bombs.’ I gingerly opened the lid and the two gargoyles were there with a note.”

Phyllida responded to the thief’s plea by leaving a new sign outside her house saying, “Thank you for returning the statues. All curses lifted.”


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