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Diana’s last words revealed

New revelations from Lord Steven’s report into the death of Princess Diana include how the Princess refused treatment at the crash scene, how her body came to be embalmed, and how French authorities destroyed photographs of a dying Diana taken by paramedics. Diana’s last words are also revealed. She became agitated as she realised the horror of the situation, and groaned, “oy God.” Sebastien Dorzee, a French policeman, arrived at the scene with a colleague around 12.30am. “Blood was coming out of her mouth and nose,” he said. “You could see a deep wound to her forehead. At the same time, she was rubbing her stomach. She must have been in pain. She turned her head towards the front of the car, and saw the driver. She became agitated. Then she put her head down again and closed her eyes.” oinutes later, Diana asked paramedic Xavier Gourmelon, “oy God, what’s happened?” [20 December 2006]


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