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Desperate Housewife admits to anorexia

Felicity Huffman has confessed to suffering from eating disorders in her late teens but insists it helped her prepare for acting roles such as her character Bree in sex-change movie Transamerica'. The Desperate Housewives’ star explains, “The self-loathing that goes along with bulimia or anorexia helped me understand Bree’s internal journey.” Felicity adds, “I was bulimic and anorexic for a while, just hating my body. As an actress, I was never thin enough, never pretty enough. My boobs weren’t big enough.” Turning 40 helped Felcity come to terms with her body: “I think I’ve always had a 40-year-old body and now that I’m actually there, I’m like, ‘Hey, pretty good’.” [24 November 2005]

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