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David Beckham rejected by

He may be one of the most famous men on the planet but apparently David Beckham is simply not enough of a celebrity to appear on ‘The Simpsons’!


The soccer star was turned down for a cameo role on the hit animated series because show executives felt that US viewers didn’t know enough about him. Executive producer Al Jean reveals, “I had to phone David to tell him sorry. I didn’t think he was a big enough star for an American audience. I got a lot of grief about that. Some people got angry about it and told me, ‘I bet you would have put [fellow soccer star] George Best on.’ But I would have turned him down too.”

We’re told the rejection came as a surprise to Becks, who assumed his fame in the US was assured with his LA Galaxy contract, his steamy modelling campaigns for Armani and the fact that his wife Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham has many celebrities wearing designs from her own fashion label. Alas, all these achievements were apparently not enough for the long-running cartoon series, which will celebrate its 450th episode next week.

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