Did Daryl Hannah swim into too many plastic cups during her time as a mermaid? The former ‘Splash’ star has spoken out to demand the world give up these disposable drinking vessels, insisting it only takes small changes to make a difference to the environment.
“There are so many things that everybody can do,” says the 49-year-old actress, who has been arrested on several occasions for her earth-focused protests. “People should ask themselves, Am I going to get some food in a Styrofoam container? or am I going to bring my own cup and my own cutlery set, and say I won’t participate in a disposable society?”
The vegan ‘Kill Bill’ star is so passionate about the environment that she runs her car on vegetable fat and powers her house with solar panels. She says she’s positive about the future, explaining “I sense that youth culture has taken up the call. Almost everybody could grow seeds in their garden or on their window. All that stuff that poisons the air, the soil and the water – it should be against the fricking law!”