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Daryl Hannah: Asperger

Daryl Hannah claims her film career has been stunted because she suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of autism that makes social interaction difficult.


The ‘Splash’ and ‘Kill Bill’ actress says, “I never went on talk shows and never went to premieres. Going to the Academy Awards was so painful for me. I’d almost faint just walking down the red carpet. I was so socially awkward and uncomfortable that I eventually got blacklisted. Studio executives would call me but I’d be too shy to call them back. So, after a while, a couple of studios literally told my manager that I was blacklisted.”

However, through focusing on a healthy work-life balance, Daryl – who recently wrote and directed a short film – is now able to continue working. She tells, “If something in my personal life comes up that moves me, whether it’s because my father was ill or because I want to spend time with my boyfriend, I will prioritise that over taking a movie part. That’s the way I’ve been throughout my life.”

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