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Cristiano Ronaldo’s custody battle

The world was shocked when Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo announced he had fathered a child. Cristiano (25) didn’t wish to reveal the identity of his baby’s mother but we’ve discovered she’s an American waitress who had a brief fling with the soccer star.


The pair reportedly met at a restaurant in Los Angeles. “It was yet another one-night stand and Ronni thought he would never see her again,” says a friend. However the waitress discovered she was pregnant and made contact.

So why all the secrecy? Cristiano comes from a strict family and there was no question of walking away. “When it comes to family, he is very much his mother’s son,” continues his friend. “They are a traditional Roman Catholic family and the minute paternity was established, there was absolutely no doubt Ronni would be doing the right thing.”

The mother has allegedly been given $15 million to keep her identity secret, and to give Cristiano full custody. However, if Cristiano Jr decides he wants to met his mother in the future, his famous dad won’t stand in his way.

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