Bruce Willis has revealed he still holds his ex-wife dear to him. “I love Demi and I know she loves me,” the actor explains. “It’s hard for people to understand, but we go on holidays together.” Bruce admits that he thinks of Demi and her husband Ashton Kutcher his extended family. “We still raise our kids together – we still have that bond,” he says. “I’m thrilled that Ashton turned out to be such a great guy.” And it seems that Bruce has even more love to share, being recently linked to a string of Hollywood beauties, including Renee Zellweger. “I talked to her for about five minutes,” he says of Renee. “And the next thing I know, I was dating her. Not that it’s ridiculous – she’s a beautiful woman… incredibly talented.” And even the media coverage he’s getting can’t faze him. “They’re not writing about guys my age much any more,” Bruce laughs. “Unless I do something naughty.”