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Britney & K-Fed agree on divorce settlement

Britney Spears has agreed to give estranged husband Kevin Federline a $23m divorce pay-off, plus joint custody of their children. The ex-couple came to the agreement following negotiations that began after they announced their split last November. KFed reportedly turned down a $30m offer to give Britney full custody of their sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Britney has agreed to give Kevin $3m in cash, half of the proceeds from the sale of their $14m California home, and half of her earnings from their two-year marriage. “They didn’t want to thrash it out in court,” an insider says. “They agreed on joint custody. No judge in the world would give Britney sole custody and she knows it. And he loves his kids. He wants a say in what happens to the children.” A friend of Kevin’s says the wannabe rapper is pleased to draw a line under his marriage. “He was never in it for the money. The most important thing is that he wanted his kids to have a mum and a dad. He just wants them in his life.” [26 March 2007]


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