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Brandy talks about her love for Flo Rida

It’s the sort of conversation usually reserved for girlfriends but R&B singer Brandy has taken to her blog to open up about her relationship with rapper Flo Rida. Admitting that she has trouble committing, the 31-year-old says she is “definitely interested” in spending more time with him.

Brandy writes, “I’ve seen the photos of me and Flo Rida. It doesn’t matter how we met. We met. I don’t want to say that we’re a couple. I can definitely say that he’s somebody in my life and I’m definitely interested but I’m not serious with anybody. I’m a little bit afraid to give my heart away right now.”

The’Talk About our Love’ singer continues, “People who are in the entertainment business are scary because there’s so much out there for them. They can get whatever they want and you have to be a strong guy to be in a committed relationship. You have to be strong and ready for that. And I just think if you’re not ready for that, then don’t tell me that you are and you’re not

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