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Beyonce & Lindsay Lohan do battle

Beyonce ruffled feathers at a concert in Singapore, ejecting actress Lindsay Lohan from the largest dressing room because she wanted it for herself. Lindsay, who was hosting the event, moaned to fans, “I’ve been a bit down. It was a strange night. Everyone was being aggressive and bothering me. I really didn’t like it.”


Also performing were Gwen Stefani, the Black Eyed Peas and British DJ Seb Fontaine, many of whom suffered from heatstroke because Beyonce refused to let anyone else use her fans. Seb says, “We were told, ‘No, they are Beyonce’s fans.’ I wasn’t asking to play her drum kit on stage. I just wanted to keep cool.”

Quite different behaviour to the supportive role she played to Taylor Swift at the oTV Video ousic Awards a couple of weeks back…

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