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Angelina Jolie

She already has a rainbow brood of six children with Brad Pitt but apparently Angelina Jolie also has a second secret family of orphans in Amman, Jordan. The actress recently visited these seven children with her famous partner and an insider reveals that she considers them to be her own family.


“She stays in touch with them and really cares about how they are doing,” says our source. “That’s why she was so excited about taking Brad to see them. They both feel this is a way they can help so many more children.”

Although Ange has made no secret of the fact she would like more children, this orphanage doesn’t offer children up for adoption – so supporting the orphanage is then next best thing.

An orphanage employee says, “Angelina will definitely support us by visiting again, by marketing us to other people and sponsoring a house which will pay the children’s expenses. She is a sweetheart and one of our greatest supporters.”


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