I’ve had lots of feedback on the problem of treating pimples naturally. I suggested tea-tree oil and Jo has sent in a great recipe (below).
Jane suggested an old favourite of mine – vinegar.
Simply make a mixture of 1tsp vinegar to 10tsp water.
Put into a small bottle and dab on through the day. I’ve also found a great paste recipe using vinegar which you put on overnight.
Mix 2tsp apple-cider vinegar, 1tsp honey and 1tsp fl our.Leave on and rinse off in morning.
Hi Wendyl, I noticed that a mum had asked about using a natural product for her son’s pimples. Used twice daily, a combination of a little water, 2 parts lavender oil to 1 part tea-tree oil applied with a makeup pad to the affected area is really good as it is an antiseptic as well as soothing and healing. I use about 6 drops lavender to 3 drops tea tree but you can use more or less depending on severity of pimples and how your skin responds. Thought this might interest you and your readers. Jo, email